Monday, May 16, 2011

maison martin margiela sunglasses

maison martin margiela sunglasses. Sunglasses: Maison Martin
  • Sunglasses: Maison Martin

  • SactoGuy18
    May 4, 12:07 AM
    In the end, the reason why the iPhone 5 won't come out until this fall comes down to the this: the Great East Japan Earthquake that seriously affected the high-tech companies in the Sendai area.

    Because so many high-precision computer parts are made in the Sendai region, this has interrupted production of the iPad 2 (despite Apple's claims, in my humble opinion!) and also has made it harder for Apple to obtain the components for the upcoming iPhone 5.

    As such, Apple is using the delay to do two, possibly three things:

    1. Give more time for the iOS programming team to polish and get ready iOS 5.0, which may have a major interface revamp. (likely already done)

    2. Gives time for the iPhone hardware engineers to incorporate the near-field communications (NFC) functionality for phone-based payment systems, including full compatibility with the Sony FeliCa system that is widely used in eastern Asia. (now likely to be done with the extra time afforded by a fall release of the iPhone 5).

    3. Gives time for the iPhone hardware engineers to full incorporate the latest Broadcom or Qualcomm cellphone chipset so a single-design phone is fully GSM and CDMA compatible now and be ready for LTE by an update downloaded through iTunes. (likely already done)

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Selectism - Maison Martin
  • Selectism - Maison Martin

  • Trius
    Apr 22, 04:23 PM
    Really hope this is true...

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela
  • Maison Martin Margiela

  • Apple OC
    May 1, 11:53 PM
    To US its a big deal. It's a blow to the Al-Qaeda that doesn't exist anymore. The current one will still function just as it has for nearly a decade in its cell based way. If anything this will just piss off extremists. Don't think for a second some type of retaliation (most likely attacks in the Middle East) won't come about from this.

    are you suggesting we give him a pass? :rolleyes:

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela
  • Maison Martin Margiela

  • Chimera
    Oct 18, 04:40 PM
    so what will we see in 2007?

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  • maison martin margiela

  • MacRumors
    Apr 14, 12:17 PM (

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. And speaking of Maison Martin
  • And speaking of Maison Martin

  • archurban
    Jul 11, 03:21 PM
    it will be a good competition after all. it's MS. not just small mp3 player makers. but I doubt that new product will take a piece of ipod so called 'ipod killer'? it's not how ipod killer looks but how it can integerate both hardware and software like itunes so well. whatever MS do, they have gizliions of money to put anyway.

    on the other hand, Apple already knows MS plan. Apple will release new 6G ipod before MS will do or at the same time. plus movie download service could be launched becasue MS makes Apple to hurry for going more further way. it will be interesting to watch the competition. :)

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela,
  • Maison Martin Margiela,

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 13, 06:42 PM
    Read the article and links - it is all there - you continue to refuse to see it. As I stated in my earlier post - not getting into who is correct or who has refuted who - just saying info is out there giving Apple credit for pushing / envisioning / whatever the lightpeak approach.

    I see it, I read it, and I read its rebuttal. Hardly something I'd base facts on, like Chuppa was doing. Again, not quite the citation I was looking for. As it stands, I think Chuppa was wrong.

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela 8
  • Maison Martin Margiela 8

  • ivan2002
    Apr 12, 01:47 PM
    Aren't we quickly getting to the point where it's all about the software?

    Ok, so we know iPhone 5 will get dual core A5....big deal. It'll be nice to have the extra power, but the iPhone 4 now is no slouch.

    Added RAM.....yeah, that would be nice....but not going to suddenly sell more phones because it has more RAM :p

    Display won't get any better resolution-wise. Doubt they'd go with a larger screen either.

    Better cameras....ok.....still, the iPhone 4 cameras are no slouch, and it's not like it will reach the quality of a nice DSLR with those tiny sensors.

    Better graphics processing.....sure.....but it's not like it has to drive a 9.7" screen like the iPad.

    I'd say Apple is smartly switching into software mode. Kick ass with iOS5, revamp notifications, make some much needed overhauls to the system, and optimize performance for todays devices (iPhone 4, iPad & iPad 2).

    Apple is going to stay ahead with software. That's the way Apple is and always has been.


    There is one big area that could use some serious improvement, and it's Apple's core competitive advantage: design!

    If they'd make it nicer to grip (without any "bumper" or case crutches to help smooth out those sharp edges) and more difficult to break (lose the glass back), it sure would be a lot more appealing than 4. Also: while I don't think higher resolution would be much of an improvement, a bigger screen might be. Finally: if they do keep the glass back, get the white thing done right already (and why not add other colors too - but this will only look good if the phone has the glass back, just like the front).

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Straight from Maison Martin
  • Straight from Maison Martin

  • fyrefly
    Apr 18, 01:19 PM
    The real question is - will the back lit keyboard be reintroduced? I sure hope so. Couldn't care less about gaming but I want to see what I type in a meeting room (and don't get started with the whole "learn to type" BS)...:rolleyes:

    +1 - If the next Rev puts the BL Keyboard back in, I'll be first in line.

    While these Sandy Bridge processors are considerably faster in lab benchmarks, they offer no discernible real-world improvement for most users. Having used a MacBook Pro with a C2D and then one of the new Sandy Bridge, I couldn't tell the difference.

    Depends on what you were doing. If you're just surfing and Youtube and Facebook, then of course the Core2Duo won't matter vs. the i5.

    But if you do anything CPU intensive... convert a FLV to an MP4 to use on your iPad, etc... the i6 will smoke the C2D.

    I am exactly one of those people. I wanted a light laptop that I could game on occasionally while on travel. There is ZERO chance I would have bought an apple if it wasn't for the Air's portability and gaming potential. Hopefully I'll get many years use out of my 13" Ultimate.. but if Apple cripples the Air from a GPU perspective, I'll go back to Windows in a heartbeat on my next laptop purchase.

    These are the comments I least understand.

    Apple has basically two choices:

    1. Update the MBA sometime in 2010 with SB LV/ULV chips. The CPU will boost, but the Graphics will take a hit.

    2. Leave the MBA as a C2D/320M machine for a total of ~18 months till the right Ivy Bridge chips come out. That IGP should be almost equal to the 320M, but I there'll be much better chips than the 320M in early 2012, so I bet all the people whining about the SB IGP will be saying the same stuff about the Ivy IGP.

    But let me get this straight: You own a MBA right now. It's got a 320m chip in it that gives you jollies and plays your games. So if Apple was to leave the MBA stagnant for a year and a half, and then update to Ivy Bridge, you'd be happy, etc... but if Apple updated to SB in the middle of that cycle, you'd be pissed, throw you current laptop in the garbage and get a Windows Lappy?

    I'm not super-keen on a SB MBA either (unless it has the aforementioned BL Keyboard), but here's a message to all the SB Haters: Apple releasing a SB update to spur Back to School or Holiday Sales in no way invalidates your current MBA. It's not like all the 2010-era MBAs will suddenly explode into a puff of smoke forcing you to use the SB IGP you seemingly hate so much. You can keep using the 320m until the Ivy Bridge MBA comes out in 2012.

    What about the heat? MBP are too hot and not in a nice way.

    The 2011 MBPs all added 10W to their TDP while keeping the same form factor. That's why there's heat issues across the board. The chips we're talking about in this thread are 17W chips - that's the same or less than the current TDP on the LV9400/9600+320M which should keep the heat issues at bay.

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela Line 8
  • Maison Martin Margiela Line 8

  • Storm9
    Oct 20, 09:28 AM
    I've started with <./fah6 -bigadv -smp 16 -local> after getting rid of the unit it was working on, it is finally using all 16 cores now, had only been using 8. It doesn't look like it's doing anything more strenuous.

    How can you tell how many cores its using?

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Martin Margiela Spring/Summer
  • Martin Margiela Spring/Summer

  • Mystikal
    Mar 15, 10:21 AM
    How do you know? I don't want to waste a trip.


    Don't come. 4x 64gb AT&T and one 16 wifi. Profile are still in line but that's all they have.

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela
  • Maison Martin Margiela

  • rusty2192
    Apr 12, 03:40 PM
    Taken from the top of Mount Leconte in Great Smoky Mountain National Park.

    Great shot! I may have to try the black and white conversion on my shots from Cliff Tops. I had no idea what I was doing when it came to photography when we hiked Leconte a couple years ago, so they are nothing special in their original form. I can't wait to get back there sometime in the future. How recently was this taken?

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela 8
  • Maison Martin Margiela 8

  • PlipPlop
    Apr 12, 03:11 PM
    I heard the iphone 5 is delayed because the HTC Sensation has sent Apple back to the drawing board.

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela 8
  • Maison Martin Margiela 8

  • TwoSocEmBoppers
    Mar 16, 12:20 AM
    Guys, I have been at Brea on Monday and i was in the line nd they said they dont have any iPads in that days shipment. Then i went there today and they said they handed out tickets. So out of desperation i am planning to go there at 6 am and wait in the line tomorrow at Brea. Does anyone knw how many tickets did they hand out today and will camping out before the store opens tomorrow in Brea bring me any luck?

    Hi Avinash...I was there today at Brea and they handed out approximately 12-15 tickets. While I do not know numbers, the AT&T models were in less quantity than the Verizon and Wifi.

    Seeing as I did not get the version I wanted, I will also be joining you at Brea around 6:00AM! 32GB Black Wifi here I come!!!!! :D

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela x
  • Maison Martin Margiela x

  • NATO
    Jul 25, 09:51 AM
    In the UK edu prices:
    &#163;31 for Mighty Mouse and &#163;35 for the Bluetooth version.

    Not too bad I guess. I'll be holding out for the black version though :)

    I've been checking the UK store (Higher Ed + Normal) since the announcement, the Wireless Mighty Mouse is still not up there. Are you sure you're not confusing the Mighty Mouse with the wired one? ( The Wired Mighty Mouse is is &#163;31.73 H.E, &#163;35.00 Retail)

    Plus, I think we've already had a link to MacWorld showing the price at &#163;49.99

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela Wrong
  • Maison Martin Margiela Wrong

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Apr 13, 08:16 PM
    Might get this, might not. Don't do contracts so it would be a simple case of buying and selling. Something most people I know do. You lot (Americans) should start doing the same and stop being beholden to 24 month contracts.

    Supposedly it keeps our costs down to sign up for such long term contracts.

    My monthly bill is $50 for unlimited texts, unlimited data, some number of minutes (I'm splitting a family bill with AT&T,) plus the $300 upfront for the iPhone itself. What's your bill come to?

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Lady Gaga in Maison Martin
  • Lady Gaga in Maison Martin

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 13, 09:09 PM
    I would love to see those prices!........not really tho

    They'll buy the panel from Samsung, charge double the price of everything else on the market and the sheep will be lined up for days to buy one. It will be a huge hit and Sony and Samsung will go out of business.

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Maison Martin Margiela
  • Maison Martin Margiela

  • Zephi
    Oct 21, 07:10 AM
    You mean the wishes that, uhm, are to fulfill? If so, then I'd love to get some money, which I suppose I won't get more than my monthly sum of pocket money. No macs this year, damn.

    maison martin margiela sunglasses. Their futuristic sunglasses
  • Their futuristic sunglasses

  • longofest
    Oct 24, 09:16 AM
    Yeah, and forget the 8 core Cloverton... now we're waiting on 16 cores with Tigerton:

    It sure beats Motorola/IBM's PowerPC slow update schedule. ;)

    Tigerton (Xeon MP) is a different product line than what any of the current Apple offerings use. Until we hear differently, I don't expect we will be seeing Tigerton in any Macs.

    Nov 17, 10:28 AM
    So it's just a really crappy company that stands on its own?


    You speak the truth!

    I don't shop at Aeropostale but just because their shirts are thin, not soft and have random "kiddy" designs.

    I do buy a bit of Hollister (lil bro of A&F) but only on sale (normal prices are high) and because their fleece is soo soft.

    I had to do a research project once about A&F so I know a little about it.
    Gladly, I'm not a fanboy of expensive clothes just for the heck of it.

    Nov 16, 04:04 PM

    where you've been? abercrombies lowest quality company has been around almost 10 years lol

    Aeropostale is NOT related to, owned by or a subsidiary of Abercrombie and Fitch. Thanks.

    Apr 28, 07:17 PM
    Hey, at least it's white.

    Mar 31, 10:46 AM
    That brown looks like little baby poop.

    It's an improvement in the UI though. iCal needed an update big time.

    Jan 28, 03:37 PM
    My latest purchase, looking forward to testing it.